Team of architects working at a table

Florida Engineering Renewal Bundle – 18 Hours

This bundle of eleven classes represents a cost and time savings. Each class stands alone as an informative, fast-paced learning experience that requires just one purchasing transaction for all eleven classes that are in the bundle. The topics are suitable for most engineering disciplines.

18 Hours


This bundle contains all the classes necessary for a Florida Engineer to renew their license. It contains the mandatory classes and electives.


Florida Engineering Laws and Rules

One Hour, Mandatory Class – The Completion of this class is Reported to the FBPE

FBPE Florida Board of Professional Engineers Provider #871

Florida Engineering Law and Rules Approval #0010538

This class provides engineers practicing in Florida with essential knowledge regarding the legal framework and regulations that govern their profession.

Learn about licensing requirements, ethical standards, and regulations specific to the state. Stay updated with recent legal amendments and case studies, ensuring compliance and ethical conduct in your engineering career. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a new graduate, this course equips you with essential knowledge to navigate the legal landscape of engineering in Florida.


Ethics in Engineering

One Hour, Mandatory Class

Explore the ethical dimensions of engineering with ‘Engineering Ethics.’ This insightful course explores the moral principles, professional standards, and social responsibilities that govern the engineering profession.


2023 Advanced Florida Building Code, Building – 8th Edition

Chapter 4: Detailed Requirements Based on Occupancy and Use

Mandatory Class, Two Hours

Designed for professional engineers whose practice includes the design of works or systems in connection with buildings, structures, or facilities and systems covered by the Florida Building Codes. This course delves into the complexities of advanced building codes and regulations. Gain valuable insights into the latest updates and revisions, ensuring your projects comply with the most current industry standards.


Risk Management in Engineering

Two Hours

Explore practical techniques, industry best practices, and cutting-edge tools for effective risk analysis and management. Topics range from financial implications to safety concerns. Learn how to navigate uncertainties and make informed decisions.


Sustainable and Eco-friendly Building Materials

Two Hours

Sustainable and Eco-friendly Building Materials explores cutting-edge solutions, eco-conscious designs, and environmentally responsible construction practices. Learn about renewable resources, recycled materials, and innovative technologies transforming the building industry.


A Firm Foundation

Two Hours

This class examines the parameters involved in selecting various construction components from the ground and extending to the first completed floor. It is important that these choices are well thought out because the top of this assembly is the foundation for the remaining construction.


Alternative Energy

Two Hours

Dive into the future of sustainable power in Alternative Energy. Explore the diverse world of renewable resources from solar and wind to geothermal and hydroelectric energy.


Alternative Wastewater Collection and Treatment

Two Hours

Dive into the future of sustainable water management with this course on Alternative Wastewater Collection and Treatment. Explore innovative methods and cutting-edge technologies reshaping the way we collect and treat wastewater.


Urban Heat Island Effect

Two Hours

Understand the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to mitigate heat islands. Whether you are an urban planner, environmental scientist, or concerned citizen, this course equips you with knowledge to design resilient, sustainable cities. Delve into green infrastructure, cool roofing, and urban forestry, learning strategies to combat rising temperatures and create cooler, healthier urban environments.


Electric Power Delivery: Underground Installation

One Hour

Electric Power Delivery through underground Installation provides several advantages over overhead lines including aesthetics, reduced environmental impact, and reduced vulnerability to weather-related disruptions. Investigate the elements of electric power delivery through underground installation technology, including safety issues, and environmental considerations of burying power lines. Explore how to ensure reliable electricity supply with minimal visual impact.


Sustainability through Adaptive Reuse

One Hour

This class offers a set of criteria that can be used in assessing the most advantageous options for building reuse. These will help ascertain which course of action provides the best value to the owner, buyer, and the local community where the structure is situated. Any reuse of older buildings is better than not reusing them at all for all parties involved.

Who will Benefit from this Class

This bundle was developed to meet the interests of a variety of engineers in several disciplines. Some of the classes provide an in depth exploration of a topic while other provide an opportunity to learn about a topic that might not be familiar.

  • Civil Engineers
  • Structural Engineers
  • Geotechnical Engineers
  • Architectural Engineers
  • Construction Engineers
  • Environmental Engineers
  • Mechanical Engineers


Only Florida laws and rules courses will be reported directly to the DBPR.

How to Report Your CE: An NCEES CPC Tracking Step-by-Step

Only Florida laws and rules courses will be reported directly by CE providers. Log into your account to confirm that it shows you have completed the course. If it does not, please contact your course’s provider.


Renewal Cycle

Continuing-education hours for the upcoming renewal period must be completed and reported by midnight Feb. 28, 2025.



Professional Engineers licensed in Florida must take 18 continuing education (CE) course hours every two years to renew their licenses.

Of the required 18 hours, one hour must relate to the Florida laws and rules of Professional Engineers from a Board-approved provider, and one hour must relate to professional ethics. Four hours must relate to area of practice. The remaining 12 hours may be related to any topic pertinent to the practice of engineering.

Attention: New Licensees After March 2023

If you received your first Florida PE license between March 1, 2023, and Feb. 28, 2025, and are renewing your license for the first time, you are only required to:

  • Complete a Board-approved laws and rules course;
  • Complete an ethics course

Advanced Course Requirement

However, you also must complete an Advanced Building Code course prior to participating in the design of engineering works or systems in connection with buildings, structures, or facilities and systems covered by the Florida Building Code.

Effective with the 2025-27 biennium, you will be responsible for completing your continuing education hours and paying the renewal fee to renew your license by Feb. 28. 2027; and pay the renewal fee.

You do not have to complete the other 16 hours of continuing education for this renewal cycle. Please see Rule 61G15-22.009, Florida Administration Code, Exemptions From Continuing Education Requirements.

This course includes:

  • Virtual Access From Any Computer
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Competitive Pricing
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions About this Class

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to

Yes. It is not necessary to take a test in order to receive credit for this class.

Yes. You can proceed through the slides, activities, audio clips and video clips at your own pace. Take as long or as little time as you would like.

Yes. You should download or print this out for your records.

The class will be available for twelve months after the date of purchase.

No. Maintaining a record of completed Professional Development Hours (Continuing Education Units) is the responsibility of the professional. Your Education Pathways online account will have a history of the classes that you have taken but you should retain a copy of your certificates of completion.

FAQs About Our Online Classes in General

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to

Completing an online class is easy, even if your computer skills are not well developed. Instructions are clear.

Classes consist of slides that you may click through at your own pace. There are audio clips, some video instructions, activities like matching, drop and drag, pictures, visuals and case studies. Some classes have pop-up quizzes that are not scored. Some, depending upon the requirements of the agency that governs the industry, have final exams of multiple- choice questions. The classes are easy to take and move quickly, depending upon how fast the Learner wants to proceed.

Some industries require their licensees to maintain a fifty-minute hour of seat time and those slides are timed to assure that the requirement is met.

Yes, if the phone is in the landscape position but this is not the ideal way to enjoy or maximize what you learn from the class. A larger screen works very well and is much better to use. Also, some regulatory agencies prohibit taking continuing education classes on cell phones.

Yes. Here’s how:

  1. Click on “My Account” on top of Education Pathways home page.

  2. Enter the user name and password that you chose when you purchased your first class. Hit “enter” on your keyboard.

  3. Click on “View Course” for the class you would like to complete.

Yes, participants typically have access to course materials, presentations, and resources for twelve months after purchasing the course. This allows for review and reference, ensuring continued learning and application of knowledge.

Education Pathways has a 100% money-back guarantee. Should a learner request a refund before the successful completion of a class not reported as completed, the refund will be processed immediately.

Yes. When you reach the end of the class, you will see the word “Certificate” on the left side of the screen. Click on it to download. The Certificate of Completion will have your name, license number, number of continuing education hours (CEU or PDH) and date of completion. This certificate will remain in the dashboard of your account.

Education Pathways’ courses are approved by your state to fulfill your licensing renewal requirements if your state or profession requires this. Course descriptions and the approval numbers from each state's licensing agency are on the course page.

It is always the responsibility of the professional to determine that they have enrolled in the correct classes to fulfill their requirements. Contact the agency that regulates your industry in your state to confirm your requirements.

Education Pathways has been providing online continuing education classes for more than twenty years. We guarantee that the classes are appropriate for the professions that we serve and that promise is supported by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Education Pathways’ online classes provide an interactive learning experience that can be completed at your desired speed for a low cost. Learning by reading a book provides a different type of learning methodology at a significantly higher cost. If you want to revisit course information you can do so at any time within one year of purchasing the class. It is also possible to take a screenshot of a slide if you want to revisit it away from your computer.

Yes. If your profession requires that your credits be reported,. Education Pathways will do that promptly, usually within 24 hours. It sometimes takes the governing agency a few days to update your account. If reporting is not required, retain your Certificates of Completion for your records to confirm that you have completed the classes necessary to renew your license.