Plumbing pipes in a large Florida home

Florida Advanced Electrical Codes 6th Edition 1-Hour

This one-hour class introduces the State of Florida’s Advanced Electrical Codes (6th Edition). (PEC) (ADV)

1 Hour

Provider License #PVD1542


Course Approval #0614602 (ADV)

Course Approval #0614545 (PEC)


This one-hour class introduces the State of Florida’s Advanced Electrical Codes (6th Edition). Participants in the class will recognize the importance of Building Code Regulations. They will recall the types of codes that apply and they will review the details of Chapter 42 of the Florida Electrical Codes.

This course covers the required (ADV) topic and One (1) hour of pool electrical requirements, if license is held in the following category: Certified Pool/Spa Contractor and Registered Pool/Spa